Chamber Directory

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Caleb's Meadow Antiques

21 South Main St., Waynesville, Ohio 45068

513-658-2562 (Bob/Shop); 513-260-9061 (Mary Beth)

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DigiStitch Embroidery, Inc.

7540 Township Line Rd. Waynesville, OH


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Fabric Shack Home Decor (Miami St)

232 W. Miami St., Waynesville, OH P.O. Box 517

(513) 897-0711

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Sawdust & Stitches

89 S. Main St., Waynesville, OH 45068

(937) 367-2633

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Schuerholz Printing

3540 Marshall Rd., Kettering, OH 45429


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Versamount Roll Panels

500 Wrencroft Court, Lebanon, OH 45036

513-720-8430; 513-934-2061

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