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Sawdust & Stitches

storefront building


89 S. Main St., Waynesville, OH 45068


(937) 367-2633


By Appt, or Wed-Sat 11-5, Sun 12-5 (January-March: Thurs-Sun 12-5)


Email: sawandstitch@hotmail.comemail


Click Here

Contact Name:

Tammy Curnutt


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Sawdust & Stitches is owned and operated by a proud military wife who has been making primitive handmades for over 20 years. In 2010, Tammy had the opportunity to open her first store front and Sawdust & Stitches was born.  This is the place to go for primitive handmades, most of which are made locally in Ohio and all of them made in the USA. Along with handmades you can find wonderful primitive antiques and antique reproductions. Tammy hand selects every item that comes into the shop as if it were going into her own primitive home or garden. She strives to offer unique, quality, primitives at affordable prices.  You can find anything from make-do lighting and handmade candles to antique and reproduction furniture to a wide variety of unique primitive items for both your home and your yard or garden.  New items come in all the time so visit often.