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Minuteman Press of Lebanon

two cars in front of a building


101 Dave Ave, Lebanon, Oh 45036


(513) 932-4222


Mon-Thur 8:30-5; Fri 8:30-4; Closed Sat-Sun


View Website


Email: frank@mmpressleb.comemail


Click Here

Contact Name:

Frank Hiti, Owner; Melissa Hiti, owner

Fax:  513-932-0950

We are a full-service printing and marketing company for all of Warren County.  Our capabilities include regular and large format printing, direct mailing, signs, design services, and promotional items.  

Minuteman Press of Lebanon has been serving Warren County for almost 40 years with printing, copying, graphic design, and mailing services.  In recent years, we have added signs, banners, and promotional items.